When you are looking to get a roofing contractor in Cardiff or any place in the UK there are some points to look out for such as recommendations and if they have public liability insurance is amongst the main points to look out for.

Trade memberships

Most roofing contractors will also be members of trade websites which provide a way for clients to leave an honest review on the service they have received.


All reputable tradesmen / Contractors will happily provide you with there insurance details just in case something goes wrong with the job in hand if they don’t then this is a clear sign you wont be covered if for instance there is suddenly a leak in the roof after a month of having it done.

Always make sure any trade you have in your home or business has insurance or the required qualifications such as legally gas fitters have got to have the gas safe certification.


Most building contractors will provide you with either a lifetime guarantee or 15 years on the work carried out always ask upfront about this and then if you are happy proceed with the firm.

Upfront Costs

Most firms require you to pay a fraction of the invoice upfront to cover material costs and so on, always ask about there payment terms and what will be done by part 1 of payment and then so on.It is very rare that a reputable firm will ask for the full amount before work starts.

The safe way to pay any amounts is through the bank this way you have a record of the transaction and main point always get a receipt of payment made and how much is owned.

This info was provided by Berriman Roofing and construction.