Retiring abroad is so much fun after years of tiring job and staying in the same country for over a decade. It can be an exciting opportunity for many people who want to experience something new and innovative in their lives after such a hectic job schedule. Moving to a new country by leaving your job and activities can provide you so much new ways to look in your life and to make your life all the more fun and entertaining. But retiring abroad requires you to make a lot of important decisions in your life.


Living life in a brand new country and spending time as a British expat can offer a large number of benefits to you although you are officially retiring from your job. But spending time with your loved ones in a whole new place can be a healthy replacement of your job.

British Expats Retiring Abroad:

There are a number of critical decisions that as a British expat you should make to give a healthy and best start to your new life in a new country. The factors that you should consider while retiring abroad are as follows:

  • The type of visa you are going to get. Often the people who are going abroad after retirement get the retirement visa more often.
  • How can you manage the retirement finances being a British expat and how can you access your funds while living in abroad. ROPS is most probably the best option in this case.
  • What steps you should take to ensure health and social security issues.
  • The most amazing retirement destinations that work with your ROPS as a recognized country.


ROPS, short for Recognized Overseas Pension Scheme, which allow you to take the UK pension benefits after retiring without any scheme sanction charges or adopting an unauthorized payment option. The ROPS pension scheme is set to meet the certain specific requirements set by the HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs). This plan was launched on April 6, 2006 and was adopted by every British expat retiring abroad.

It is necessary for every British expat retiring abroad to get the most professional ROPS advice if he is planning to get the pension benefits while living in another country. You can receive pension in any of the recognized currency with tax advantages and the flexibility of transferring the pension to any selected beneficiary of choice in case of death.