Being a business owner, you need to have a closer look on all the matters. You will have to make sure that your employees are happy from the company’s policies and you are providing them with a good environment. If you want something to be extraordinary then you will have to come up with some creative ideas to check if the employees of the company are satisfied with you or not. There are ways to check that but, you certainly do not want to enhance the risks involving the politics and group making among the employees because that certainly can raise a lot of issues and, in the end, it will be your business that will be affected. So, how can you improve the communication level within your company? You will have to make sure that you are focusing on something where every employee can participate without spending a lot of time, effort. Remove the barriers for employees to get involved.

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How does it work?

This device can make things pretty much easy for you if you are looking to improve the work environment. This is the device that you should install at the exit point so when employees are leaving they can choose to press between red or green button to tell how was their day overall. If they are pressing the green button it means they had a good day at the office and if they are selecting the red button to press then it means they are going through some rough times. An online dashboard displays the trend line of the employee mood.. It is a device that can really help you out in improving employee’s morale.

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How it helps

When all the employees are participating and they are giving a responsive feedback then it will help you to identify the overall problems and you will know how many employees are not satisfied in the work environment. It will help you take decisions and you will have to make sure that you are meeting with the employees to discuss things in details if they are going through some issues. It will actually improve the communication among employees and the supervisors. They will be happy to share problems with each other but, it is going to take time as at first, they won’t be comfortable sharing their views. If you want something impressive to improve the productivity of your employees then you should consider installing this device.