Ever thought of going make-up free but still is concerned about going out to the world unappealing? Well, don’t be! Introducing the Royal Canadian mineral water face spray. This product is packed with all-natural mineral water and minerals that brings out the best in you. As much as you don’t need make-up on your face, you need this revolutionary product. Here’s why.


It hydrates your skin.

Your skin might have dried out from years (or decades) of using make-up; but don’t worry, this mineral water facial spray will bring back the glow that you have been wanting all this time. Look more youthful and more radiant by constantly using this face spray—that means no wrinkles!

You might not even realize, but your skin will dry out faster than you could hydrate it—even showering will not solve the problem (most tap waters used for showering contain chlorine which will cause your skin to dry). But that is no problem with this mineral water facial spray. You can use this regularly to hydrate your skin without even worrying about putting chemicals on your face.

Bring with you a can of Royal Canadian mineral water facial spray on your travels and mist it on for a constant youthful appearance—all while being chemical-free!

It protects your skin.

Make-up products claim that they can make you beautiful, and some probably will. But they don’t offer protection like what the Royal Canadian mineral water facial spray does; they just, as their name suggests, “make up”.

Its ultra-fine natural mist contains selenium which puts on that protection against free radicals that dry and age your face and prevents undue evaporation. Everyday pollution will get on to your face even while you’re in your house—this facial spray will counter any damaging effects it will do.

It cools your skin.

Have you ever felt too hot one day? Unless you are a polar bear living in the North Pole, surely you said yes. But wherever you are, there is a solution to your hot and irritated skin. Yes, you said it. The Royal Canadian mineral water face spray is the perfect solution not only to that but also to sunburns and rashes. Every mist of spray brings out the healing effects your body has— talk about going all-natural!

You can be sure that with the mineral water facial spray that you’ll feel all refreshed—good and ready to go!