Insurance companies classify drivers into two categories: low risk and high-risk drivers. Classification process involves many variables for examples driving record, age, type of cars you drive, and credit history. When all variables meet the insurer’s requirements, the driver falls into thelow-risk category. This is the ideal customer for theinsurancecompany because the driver has low to none possibility of filing claims. The customer always pays on time, while the insurer does not have to worry about providing big payout. If at least one of the above variables fails to meet the minimum requirement, chances are the driver gets ahigh-risk classification. Most insurers are reluctant to provide coverage for high-riskdrivers because such customers are risky from the perspective of business. High-risk drivers have to get coverage from thenon-standard market, and Good to Go Auto Insurance is of few companies that specialize on this.


For those who have never heard about Good2Go Insurance, it is a subsidiary of American Independent Companies, Inc. Unlike most insurers, the company is in thenon-standard market to provide insurance coverage for high-risk drivers. Types of coverage for high-risk drivers are similar to those for their low-risk counterparts. The only significant difference is the price. Because there is high possibility that high-risk drivers file claims, they have to pay more for the same financial protection. High-risk driver classification does not stay forever. You can revoke the classification with various methods by your state’s regulations.

Fair trade-off

Every high-risk driver has difficulties in acquiring insurance coverage from the standard market, or any company that does not provide coverage for high-risk drivers. The application process to get coverage from such company is a bit complicated. It involves many considerations with strict rules for eligibility. The standard market is for low-risk drivers or those with near perfect driving record and credit history. The drivers must be in ideal age too (not too young or too old for driving).

Insurance companies that specialize in thenon-standardmarkets, such as Good2Go Auto Insurance, have more flexible approval procedures. Personal data including previous involvement in road accidents, DUI, age, and credit history have low relevancy in the approval process. However, thenon-standard market has non-standard price as well. The coverage will be more expensive, but it is a fair trade-off for easysupport.In a country or state where carrying valid proof of auto insurance is mandatory during driving, owning non-standard insurance is better than not having insurance at all. Failure to show valid proof of insurance will cause further issues. In some cases, the consequences can be in theform of fines or driver license suspension.

How do you get into high-risk classification?

It is hard to be an ideal customer of any auto insurance company, even for the first-time buyers in which case, the drivings recordsare non-existent.According to Good2Go Insurance, some of the most common reasons for high-risk classification are:

  • Teen and senior drivers: teen drivers do not have enough experience to understand how to avoid accidents while senior drivers may have problems with visibility.
  • Poor credit history: drivers with poor credit history may skip premium fee payment
  • DUI: one of major traffic violations
  • Serious accident: previous involvement in serious accidents where someone got severe injury or died
  • Expensive cars: sports cars, antique cars, and collectible cars are costly to repair, so the drivers need to pay more for coverage
  • No prior insurance:the first-time buyer with no prior insurance can be high-risk customer

Non-standard market insurer like Good2Go Insurance does not use such variables to determine approval. The application process is simple requiring only basic personal data including name and address. Good to Go Auto Insurance even allows buyers to ask for quotes via online to get premium fee estimation.

Reducing the cost of premium

Many high-risk drivers choose to purchase only the minimum auto insurance requirement to lessen the cost of thepremium fee. The minimum coverage in most states includes Bodily Injury and Property Damage, but the rules are different from state to state. Good to Go Auto Insurance is working with a network of underwriting companies to cover most states in the country. The best thing about this method is that the company can make sure that the coverage always complies with the state’s regulations regardless of where the customers live.

Purchasing the minimum coverage is enough to create a legal proof of insurance, but the financial protection on the road is also less than ideal. Good to Go Auto Insurance provides at least two optional coverage including Collision and Comprehensive. Of course, additional coverage means more expense. However, the protection from those two optional purchases covers many things, for examples, damages due to road accidents or collision and damages from non-collision causes such as falling objects and vandalism.

The best way to reduce premium is to make use of discounts. Many insurance companies offer discounts with not complicated eligibility requirements. For example, Good to Go Auto Insurance offers Vehicle Discount of which the requirement is to install safety devices in avehicle such as text-blocking device, anti-theft, VIN Etching, airbag, and passive restraint. The total saving can reach up to 15% off the premium. Good to Go Auto Insurance also has two more discount categories including Driver Discount and Policy Discount to reduce the premium further. Eligibility and total savings can be different from state to state, but you can check for more information on the company’s official website.