Government agencies, local governments, but also for the candidates, electoral associations, public associations and organizations , officials, voters. Expenditures for the Commission on the preparation and conduct of elections, ensuring their powers are made at the expense of the corresponding budget – federal, regional or local. In its activities, the election commissions are working closely with government agencies, local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations with state participation in solving issues such as registration (accounting) of voters that the necessary facilities, transport, communications, technical equipment, free air time on other issues , as far we know the government also launched a site in order to chec pan card status online for more information please do visit that site.
The duty of these bodies and their officials to assist election commissions in the exercise of their powers is enshrined in federal law. It is also established that the public authorities, local governments, public associations, organizations of all forms of property, including organizations engaged in broadcasting, editorial offices of periodicals and their officials are obliged to provide the Commission with the necessary information and materials, respond to requests of the commissions within five days, if the request is received within five days or less before the election day – not later than the day preceding the vote, and if voting day or the day following the voting day – immediately. At the same time it stated that the said information and materials are provided free of charge commissions.
The authority of election commissions established by the electoral law, organically derived from the constitutional provision that the joint jurisdiction of the India Federation and its subjects is to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (Art. 72), which include the right of citizens of the India Federation to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government (Art. 32). For the protection of citizens’ electoral rights commissions are used, in particular, mechanisms such as
organizes the development of standards for process equipment to the district commissions, by the head of pan card verification status department approves the standards and monitors compliance with them, and organizes placement of an order for the production of process equipment for the elections to the federal bodies of state power, the referendum of the Indian Federation.