The defence lawyer in brampton will give you some tips on when a communication on social media stops being normal.
It is sufficient that the persons, to whom the threat refers, can be determined by some circumstance that is related to the threat. The circle of persons that can appear as passive subjects – damaged, is determined in the specific case, according to the nature of the threat, the way and the means by which the threat is directed to each individual. As to be concluded, the perpetrator of such criminal offense is prosecuted by the competent public prosecutor.
The last amendments and supplements to the Criminal Code, foresee the criminal offense of persecution. This offense is committed, among other things, by someone who “contrary to the will of the other person seeks to establish contact with him directly, through a third person or through means of communication”. So, if someone does not want to communicate with you, say through Facebook, and you want it at all costs, you send them messages, leave messages on his profile, either the wall, or in the mailbox, and he can report you to persecute him. The problem with this criminal offense is that it is new, broadly set, and there are no standards yet built up, so it can easily happen that someone advises the police or the public prosecutor’s office for your good will for friendship, which you express it in an unusual way. The perpetrator of this criminal offense is prosecuted by the competent public prosecutor.
The means of communication, the availability of cameras, flooded the Internet with photographs of “ordinary” citizens. If you have unauthorized a photo, movie, video, or other person’s image, you have taken a personal interest in his personal life, or if you have submitted or disclosed such a video to a third person, on a social network or otherwise make it visible, you will commit a criminal offense.
If you put someone’s photo (let’s say a photo of an ex-girlfriend in a free edition) without permission on the social network, you will perform this offense, under the aforementioned conditions. Criminal prosecution for the basic form of this criminal offense is undertaken by a private lawsuit.
If you publish or display unauthorized publicly or display a third-party file, portrait or footage, film or phonogram of a personal character without the consent of the person who made the file, or to whom the file relates, or without the consent of the person shown on a portrait, photo or film, or whose a voice recorded on a phonogram or without the consent of another person whose consent is required by law and is thus deeply embarrassed in the personal life of that person, you will commit a criminal offense of Unauthorized Publication and Presentation of a Other File, Portrait and Record,. Criminal prosecution for the basic form of this criminal offense is undertaken by a private lawsuit.
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