Drug addiction is one of the most common causes of death in almost every part of the world. Therefore, we should all be aware of the most dangerous additives to save us and our coming generations from getting into this.
It is said that all drugs taken into small amount occasionally is not harmful to our body. However, you make drugs your habit, you start to get dependent on them and ultimately it will kill you. We have organized a list of drugs that are most addictive and dangerous.
Alcohol – Alcohol Multiple Types of Beer, Wine, And Liquor.
Alcohol is ranked first in this list because alcohol is consumed worldwide and people are into this for a very long. Nearly 88,000 people each year die due to alcohol-related causes. Moreover, alcohol does not just increase the risk of liver-related and heart-related diseases. It also causes suicides, domestic violence, and vehicle accidents. This is one of the biggest problems in developed countries, where people are adapted to work on 5 days and party on weekends.
These weekend parties can get you deep into the dark world where there is very little chance of coming out. Heroin – It is a drug that is made from the substances like Morphine and other natural things like opium. Every year people using heroin are getting doubled. It can have a deadly effect on your health. It is generally sold in white and brown powder form or black sticky form.
And if we talk about why it is dangerous for the health, the first thing everyone mentions is the damaged tissues in the nose. It is because when someone consumes it by nose either by a snort or sniff it gradually damages the tissue lining.
Moreover, people using it regularly can experience heart-related issues, collapsed veins, gastrointestinal problems, and multiple other problems too. When you get dependent on heroin your mind stops producing dopamine. Therefore, to get the same feeling you have to increase the dose of heroin every day.
These symptoms are not easy to handle and it requires a lot of medical help if a person whats to withdraw them. If a person leaves heroin abruptly he will have to experience extreme withdrawal symptoms, which include, body pain, cramps, bad mood, nausea, etc.
Cocaine –
Cocaine is an extremely addictive drug that lifts your level of energy and attention. People use the coca plant to make it and it is one of the most common drugs worldwide. Other names of cocaine include coke, rock, snow, crack, cocoa, etc. The most common form of cocaine is white powder form. People either rub it on the gums or snort directly from the nose. When it gets into your bloodstream it increases the level of dopamine by stimulating your glands. Dopamine gives you the feeling of pleasure and it makes you alert and high at the same time. After taking cocaine you might experience a decreased appetite, sleeplessness, extreme anger, or happiness. Etc.
The long-term effects of cocaine include heart-related problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Other than that if you inject it by injection you might get into HIV or hepatitis. Other long-term problems may include sexual troubles, lung damage, and headaches.
You may want to do cocaine again and again because the feeling it gives will make you come back and it is the start of your destruction. As you keep on doing more cocaine your body and brain will get adapted to it and with every day you will need a stronger dose.
Meth –
Meth is a chemical compound that looks like ice crystals. It commonly comes in white, blue, and green crystals. People take it in different ways, however, the most dangerous way is to take it by the nose.
The crystals can put cut inside your nose and throat. Moreover, it directly goes into your brain and with the heat of your brain, it gets melt. IT also increases the dopamine level in your body and creates a false feeling that you are high and you have a lot of energy. You start to miss meals because excessive dopamine inside your blood will take over your feelings.
You get extremely emotional, you will start to chew your teeth and your mouth will be dry when you have taken even a little amount of meth.
Continued use of meth will result in increased aggression, hyperactivity, no sleeping routine, no natural feeling of hunger, etc.
Fentanyl –
It is a medical drug that is used to treat patients that are in extreme pain. These patients can be cancer patients or other surgical patients. This drug is not for occasional use but it is for “use when needed”. However, people nowadays are using it as a party drug or something that can give them a peaceful sleep.
Therefore, they need to know how dangerous it can be when you start taking it on daily basis. The short-term side effects of these drugs can be redness on the skin, tiredness, vomiting, cough and cold, temperature, no appetite, etc. Fentanyl Addiction is real and rehab for Fentanyl addiction is the only way out.
However, if you start taking it on regular basis it can cause some serious damages to your body that may include: breathing issues, fainting abnormally anytime, low blood pressure, physical dependence on the drug, and withdrawal symptoms when you try to leave it. A few of the extreme withdrawal symptoms are: Restlessness, dark circles, difficulty in sleeping, increased blood pressure, faster pulse, cramps, and body pain, etc.
These drugs are highly addictive and destructive they can take your real-life from you and keep you in a place that is far from the original world. Therefore, if we should all care for ourselves and our children are making them aware of the potential effects of the addictives we can save them. However, if someone tells gets into all this we need to get them to a good rehabilitation center where they will start everything all over again. This might take some time but once you leave all these things you don’t miss them, instead you start enjoying your life more.
Addiction of any kind is bad. Value your life and stay away from it.