If you are a runner, one of the hardest things to endure is being laid up with injury and unable to run. And running injuries are becoming more common these days. This post looks at common running injuries and how to prevent them.


The most common running related injuries:

· Ankle Sprains: when ankle ligaments are displaced and torn.

· Runner’s Knee: persistent tender pain around the kneecap that increases when weight is put on the leg like.

· Blisters: are caused by constant rubbing of skin against dry rough surfaces, like heel against back of shoe.

· Tender Achilles: swelling between muscles of the lower leg and heel.

· Shin Splits: inflammation of the muscles covering the shin bone.

· Foot Tears: caused by a tear in the ‘plantar fascia’ muscle at the bottom of the foot.

The best ways to prevent running injuries

The most common causes of running injuries are from, body strength, running shoes, running surface, rest and running routine.

Improve overall body strength and balance

Running is a high impact activity. Apart from our legs, other muscle groups connected to the legs and arms are called upon to balance us and brace for landing impact. The glutes, core, pelvis and legs are all involved. To prevent injuries, it is important to strengthen these stabilizers. If one set is weak, others get overworked. This distorts the entire running motion and causes injuries.

Engage in strength training for the glutes, core, pelvic, hamstring, calf and back muscles for overall balance and strength.

Form and Posture

Everybody has a style of running. But some styles are more prone to running injuries than others. Length of the runners stride and arms swing can affect how impact force and distribution around the body.

Adjusting arm swing will affect trunk stability and help distribute impact uniformly. Running quietly and shortening stride also reduce shock of impact on the body and incidence of injuries. Overall body posture is important to prevent injuries, see here.

Fatigued Muscles


Overstressed muscles get injured easier. Muscles become overstressed through over-exertion; either by increasing running distance and frequency too fast or if total weekly running distance puts excess demand on muscles. Try varying distance to 10, 15 or 20 miles weekly, and stick with what works.

Get professional help if muscle stiffness and fatigue persist for an unreasonable length of time

Running Shoes


Have more than one pair of running shoes and try running with a different pair each week. Shoes should differ by firmness of cushioning, grip and heels. Whichever shoes give the least muscular pain are the best for you.

Running Surface


Road camber places landing impact mostly on one side of the body. Running on flat surfaces will keep impact force evenly distributed.

Get Help

If nothing seems to help, maybe it’s time to speak with an expert. Find help at Physio & more or call today on 020 8546 6464.