Do you know what foods to eat for strong bones? Have you ever paid attention to this? If not, then this blog will be very useful because there are certain foods and beverages in our diet that should be avoided for bone health. Make sure you are avoiding these foods, which we are going to mention here in this blog. Such foods inhibit the body from absorbing calcium and reduce bone mineral density. Stay away from these foods, which are bad for your bones. Have a look and did you know about these foods before?
High Sodium Foods
High sodium foods are harmful to bones, and you may lose calcium because salt causes excessive calcium excretion through the kidneys. Use sodium in moderation and people who have a healthy habit of eating salty foods to cause osteoporosis. High sodium foods trigger a high blood pressure level, so it’s imperative to limit salt intake.
Caffeine Intake
We are not saying to give up coffee and tea, but it’s a great thing to cut back on caffeine. Make sure you people are not drinking more than three cups of coffee in a day because it can decrease calcium absorption and bone loss. You need to restrict yourself to not more than three cups per day. Take herbal teas instead of caffeine.
Soda Beverages
Soda beverages, including colas, are not effective for bone health, and people who consume too much would harm their bones health and cause damage. You may come across phosphorus, which is common in every soda, causing bone weakening over time. People with phosphorus in the soft drink would affect bone health. Sugary, caffeinated sodas won’t have any nutrients, so take these soda beverages from your diet. Keep yourself hydrated with water and milk instead of these drinks.
Red Meat
Protein is essential for overall health, and red meat is still the main source of dietary protein. Why don’t you cut off the few portions of red meat from your diet? Meat protein includes a high amount of sulfur containing amino acids. The body dissolves the calcium from bones and releases it into the bloodstream. It’s essential and replaces this with dairy, nut, legume-based proteins because it improves the osteoporosis symptoms. People with osteoporosis need to have calcium to minimize their red meat intake and increase the number of beans and nuts in their diet.
High alcohol consumption would cause bone loss, and teenagers or adults who are in this addiction would have severe bone health complications at an early age. Alcoholism may trigger many health issues, so it’s imperative to save bone health with specialized addiction treatment programs. Get yourself admitted to any rehab center, and don’t hesitate on taking treatments because this is for your betterment.
Wheat Bran
Although many of you take extremely nutritious wheat bran because it’s a great source of protein, fiber, and other antioxidants decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancers, wheat bran somehow reduces calcium absorption with other foods. Avoid taking this or if you are already taking it in your daily routine, then eat in moderation.
How To Make Your Bones Healthier?
Eat Lots Of Veggies
Vegetables are great for essential nutrients, including vitamin C, which helps protect bones cells from damage. Vegetables increase bone mineral density, and they increase the amount of calcium and other minerals in bones. A higher intake of veggies is good for bone health, so make sure you eat these veggies daily, and people who consume onions frequently would have a lower risk of osteoporosis. Add broccoli, cabbage, parsley and other plant-based veggies to decrease the complications in bones.
Consume Enough Protein
Taking enough protein, which is essential for healthy bones and low protein intake, decreases calcium absorption and affects bone formation rates. High protein diets would have a beneficial effect on bones. Consume a high amount of protein and eat plenty of plant foods for sufficient calcium intake.
Eat High Calcium Foods
Calcium is an essential nutrient for bone health, and it’s important to consume calcium daily to protect bone structure and strength. The amount of calcium your body absorbs varies greatly. Old bone cells are constantly broken down and replaced by new cells.
Take Of Vitamin D And Vitamin K
Vitamin D and vitamin K are essential for strong bones, and vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Low vitamin D levels cause lower bone density. Vitamin D deficiency is very common through sun exposure and food sources such as fatty fish, liver and cheese. Vitamin K supports bone health with protein addition in bone formation.
Avoid Low-Calorie Diets
Slowing down your metabolism causes muscle mass loss and triggers bone health issues. Avoid low-calorie diets per day leading to lower bone density in normal weight. Consume a balanced diet with at least 1200 calories daily to preserve bone health. Make sure you are including plenty of protein and foods rich in vitamins and essential minerals to support bone health.
Collagen Supplements
Collagen is the main protein found in bones which is helpful to build bones, muscles and other tissues. Supplementing with collagen would preserve bone health by reducing collagen breakdown. As per various studies, collagen’s effect on joint conditions would cause arthritis and benefit bone health.
Consume Foods High In Omega-3 Fats
Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects. These fatty acids would help to protect bone health during the aging process. Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet are essential, and people who consume omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids would have lower bone density than those who take lower ratios of these fatty acids.
These are the foods that need to avoid osteoporosis and what essential nutrients need to include in the diet to improve bone health. Take help from doctors because they know what should be taken and what should be avoided. They may give you supplements and a better diet plan that helps to reduce all types of bone-related complications.